(Abundance. What can I say? What's the old adage, "When you let go, abundance appears?" Or maybe that is the teacher/master analogy. Anywho, it appears that not long after I wrote this post my tv interview aired in a prime time slot instead of the early bird special slot!!! Yeah, baby!!! So even though I haven't seen it yet, thanks Mom...it's out there. There's a chance it may air again tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning. In any event just as soon as I have access to the link you can bet your bottom nickel I'm gonna share it!)
Today I was scheduled for my television debut, an interview with one of our local news stations...yay! Well, you know show business, things did not go as planned. A little disappointed? Yes, but it's all good in the natural course of things. One of the great things about things not going according to plan is that it affords an opportunity to learn something from the experience. I'm learning humility. I'm learning to let go. My purpose on this great blue and green orb is to share my gifts, and when I can do that with an open heart, clear mind and conscience, well...who needs fame right? It's just gravy. I'm sure in time all things will go as planned, it feels good to keep my eyes on the prize in the meantime.
So, be sure to check out my vibrant new summer designs at http://www.jaszyjewelry.etsy.com.
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